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23rd March 2020: A big hello to all our valued customers and other stakeholders!
Richmond would like to offer you a big heart-warming reassurance that we are right here for you in the current turbulent times caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus.
We are fortunate as a business to provide many products that are highly relevant for combating the virus, so we are currently very busy, and are looking ahead to the future to ensure the stability of your supply through Richmond. We are adopting the motto “Be Positive” as we pull together as a strong team to plan ahead for the effects of the turbulence which the whole commercial world is experiencing.
In this new era, where staying in is the new going out, working from home (often with kids and pets around) is just normal, and co-workers are now those faces chatting to you over Teams while sitting in their kitchens, Richmond have been quick to implement a response plan to allow service to continue as normal. For your information, this includes:
So, give us a call – 01355 236 170 – or drop us an email – we’re here, we’re ready, we’re a great team, as ever, and we’re ready to help you through the present situation!
Update 31st March 2020: Richmond are glad to support the many firms who have altered some of their work to allow them to provide hand sanitiser and other products to assist in beating coronavirus. Please do get in touch with us using the contact details above.
Update 8th April 2020: We are now into week three of our remote working conditions.
Our number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of our staff:
Keeping the business moving and goods flowing is our next most important priority, and we continue to work with our prodution facilities and supply chain to keep supplies flowing to essential services.
We feel humbled by the amazing sacrifice being made by the NHS and frontline services, and are working very hard to keep supplies flowing to them in our own circle of influence - we reconise this is part of a much bigger picture.
It's good to see some optimism being reported in our national fight against the virus - keep safe and well everyone!