Eco Treatment Pumps - all-plastic, easily recyclable treatment pumps from Richmond Containers

NEW Eco Treatment Pumps


All-plastic, recyclable treatment pumps with recyclable full overcaps available separately - stunning cosmetic packs with brilliant sustainability credentials.

These 20/410 size, all-plastic, recyclable treatment pumps are the latest from the New Product Development programme at Richmond.

As you'll see, the all-plastic construction hasn't got in the way of cosmetic good looks - so you can offer your end-users that easy recycling option without damaging your premium brand image.

They also suit a new version of the full overcaps (the ones which were launched recently, that align flush with the Mallaig range of cosmetic glass bottles).

Sustainable Product - monomaterial PP
UK/Europe Manufactured symbol - Richmond Containers
Recyclable symbol - Mallaig flush overcaps are 100% polypropylene so easily recyclable in council recycling schemes in the UK
Products this case study features:

Mallaig Range

The Mallaig Range of cosmetic glass bottles works great with these pumps, although the pumps will suit any 20/410 size bottle neck.

Explore MallaigCall to action

Flush Overcaps

The flush overcaps range has been specially extended to include an option that fits these new Eco Treatment Pumps! Create a sleek pack with Mallaig (or just use the overcaps to create that striking, simple pack silhouette!)

See the range

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